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  • Writer's pictureNithesh Kumar

My Experience being a part of the Trainobment Program

It's a program called Master's Trainobment program (MCPB) organized by Enormayu. They help all individuals to bring out their potency, along with this they add greater value to each one's career. This process would help in creating an extraordinary life. Where Trainobment stands for Training over Job placement.

Some of the Important Key points from this Program.

• Personal development.

• Personal Branding activities.

• Great Exposure towards industrial relationships and Improvising soft skills via practical assessments and sessions.

This is a program where you will learn about Career Development, Trained for Job placements, Using social media platforms and how they play a vital role in getting jobs, and an unforgettable experience with the Enormayu team. So I have got to know many things that are important to surviving in a corporate world. I have mentioned below the activities that are provided in this Trainobment program.

1)Time management and stress management

At some point in our life, we experience a thing called stress. I am sure that most of them will agree on this point. Unfortunately, some people tend to experience more stress than others. When you are working on some job role Time and Stress comes to play. 

In this Trainobment Program, they taught us how to manage your time and how to get rid of these stresses.

Initially, there was an online class for all of the students who were part of this program regarding this topic. There is a time management sheet(to-do list) provided for all of us to manage our time every day and it was an amazing task and the first step towards our career-building process. When you manage time wisely you feel less stress in your life.

2)Routine Challenge

Yes! we are here for another amazing task in our program. It was a routine challenge where we have to wake up early in the morning and capture some beautiful scenery around us or write some content about anything and post it on the Enormayu Facebook community page. So you will be thinking that what is so amazing in this!!! But yes it is.

Waking up early in the morning makes you feel fresh throughout the day and there is an option for expressing your creativity through photography and content writing. Not only this, When you are working for a company these things will help you more. If you haven't seen the sunrise lets try this once. For me also this was the first sunrise I had seen and It was for my better future.

3)Passion Factor

It's our third class, about how important it is to follow our passion in our life. Passion! What is your passion? The question arrives and most of us don't know what to answer.

So Discover your passion. But How?

We are taught to discover our passion. It is work or something we do with love and interest. Where we never get bored. We must find our passion. Follow our passion. Try to Make 10 years of a Career plan and do hard work in your plan, success will follow you.

4)Website Building and Video Resume

It's a great honor to have a personal website. In the Trainobment program, these were my favorite tasks because of the first experience of creating a website for our purpose, and an animated video resume of my own and enjoyed this task a lot. 

Learning is an experience that will help you to achieve more.

There are many more topics covered throughout this Program. There are many more interesting things yet to come! I am excited to share all my experience with you!!

5)Advanced Hiring Technology

It's very important to know about Advanced technology used in hiring companies. One of them is the ATS i.e Application Tracking System. Most of the companies use this system to filter the resumes. There is a bundle of things we have to learn about this. Building a well-structured resume, Using suitable keywords that are recognized by ATS, Infographic resume, Profile summary formulae ARALTICS, SEO, and many more things. The team guided me on understanding the psychology of hiring managers and once you got placed on how to deal with different levels of managers and colleagues. It was a very helpful session.

6)Aptitude Session

hey, it's Aptitude. I think you are aware of it. Because it's the thing which is very important in most of the company placements. (If you are an average person don't worry... same here!! HAHA... Don't feel bad Let's practice. You know practice makes a man perfect ). Topics that taught to me are:

  • Quantitative Ability

  • Verbal Ability

  • Logical Reasoning

7)Guest Lecture Session Once you are all set, then it's time for some inspiration. You get motivation from some experienced people. It's also a Q&A session. We are informed to prepare our questions and we are ready at the beginning of the session. The guest was Mr. Muralidharan R Nair former manager at The Hunger Project, Karnataka and presently Happiness coach at Art of Living International center, Bangalore. He inspired us by his Life story, his achievements, how he overcomes his failures. Delivered career guidance tips for us. Again it was an amazing session.

8)Leadership and Teamwork

Leadership! Again a major quality. In this Program, I had an opportunity to lead my team and yes I did it successfully. If you have an opportunity to lead a team never miss that because this quality gives you many memorable experiences and adds weight to your resume. Let us talk about teamwork. First teamwork is preparing SWOT analysis on companies in a different sector. Then Preparing a Personal website. This was done under my leadership. Guiding your team, Resolving their problems, and handling the project. Feeling curious about this, then grab the opportunity and discover yourself to the world. So Learned many things even though this blog is a part of the program. You know what, this is My first blog!!! My first step into Blogging. I have learned many new things. I came to know that there is nothing impossible unless you think it is. Let's give a try!!  From this Trainobment Program, I have gained knowledge about many things as mentioned above. I will address some of them here:

  1. Using Google Docs and Sheets

  2. Using toonly software for animated video making.

  3. Using Wix software for Website making.

  4. Blogging.

  5. Public speaking.

  6. Leadership.

  7. Time and stress Management.

Overall My experience with Enormayu Team was Wonderful. Amazing support is given from their side. Everyone should try this Trainobment program. It will help in improving your skills and a very good platform for everyone who wants to build their career properly.

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